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Commission for the Latin American Volunteer Experience Funding Awards

The Commission for the Latin American Volunteer Experience (CLAVE) encourages the campus community to create educational opportunities that increase the understanding of and appreciation for the Hispanic and Latinx/a/o communities. The CLAVE Funding Award is specifically designed to provide financial support for new, innovative, and creative approaches to raise awareness, engage learners, and celebrate culture within the university community. Examples of programs that may be supported include lectures, symposia, workshops, conferences, performances, cultural events, and other innovative approaches for the advocacy, protection, and advancement of Latinx/a/o and Hispanic students, faculty, and staff on campus.

The University of Tennessee registered student organizations and campus departments may apply for award funding. Priority will be given to those who have not previously received an award from CLAVE.

Selection Criteria (How recipients will be chosen)
The CLAVE Membership, Sponsorship, and Awards committee will review the applications and make the award selections. The Commission will be looking for those opportunities that are innovative, meet a recognized need, are well-planned, can demonstrate impact, and will engage students, faculty, and staff in a meaningful way.

Requests may be made for up to $500.00, and multiple awards are available. Please note that in some instances funding may be granted for a partial amount. If you are granted funding from CLAVE, you must list CLAVE as a co-sponsor of the event in any marketing materials. 

A CLAVE funding award may be used for initiatives such as the following:
•     Guest speakers on a diversity and/or social justice topic
•     Special program(s) intended to bring awareness and empathy towards diverse groups
•     Events that expand the inclusion of issues related to advocacy, protection, and advancement of Hispanic and Latinx/o/a students, faculty, and staff on campus.

Funding Restrictions
Awards may not be used to fund:
•     Conference registration and conference travel expenses
•     Entertainment expenses that do not have a clearly defined educational component
•     Travel expenses, except for presenters brought in for a specific activity
•     Stipends to university employees
•     Events that are not on UT campus

Final Report
A final report is required and may be used on CLAVE promotional materials. The report is due no later than one month after the funded activity is complete. The final report should include:
•     A self-evaluation including a description of program/event impact
•     Attendance figures
•     Final budget
•     Event photos
•     At least one copy of the marketing materials used to promote the program/event   (CLAVE must be listed as a co-sponsor on all marketing materials) 

To apply, simply click on the tab labeled “Funding Request Form” below.

$500 max. Must include description of how funds will be used.