Dr. Steven Waller is a Professor of Therapeutic Recreation and Sport Management in the Department of Kinesiology, Recreation, and Sport Studies where he has served as the Associate Department Head since 2016. Dr. Waller came to the University of Tennessee in 2005 after working 25 years as an executive-level manager in local government and with the federal empowerment zone program as the Vice-President for Community Development in Columbus, Ohio. His scholarship focuses on aquatics inequities in urban communities, human resources problems in sports and recreation organizations, the confluence of religion and sport among African Americans in contemporary society, and counseling and pastoral care/counseling strategies for Black athletes. Dr. Waller’s work has been published in the International Journal of Aquatics Recreation and Education, Managing Sport and Leisure, Sport and Society, Sport Management Review, the International Journal of Religion and Sport, the International Journal of Religion and Society, Religions, and Practical Theology. Some of the courses Dr. Waller currently teaches are Human Resource Management in Sport and Recreation, Organizational Behavior in Sport, Administration of Therapeutic Recreation Services, and Sport and Religion in Global Society.