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The Office of Assessment Culture and Education (ACE) comprises several functional areas within the Division of Access and Engagement (DAE) to provide intentional support both internally and externally. As a representative of DAE, ACE liaises with the following divisions and offices at UT: Student Life, Student Success, Enrollment Management, Institutional Research and Statistical Analysis, Office of Innovative Technologies, and University Communications. Within the context of DAE, internally, the unit provides administrative support to various members of the DAE team.

Welcome from the Associate Vice Chancellor for Assessment, Culture, and Education

Greetings, Vol Nation!

As the inaugural Associate Vice Chancellor for the Office of Assessment, Culture, and Education, I am privileged and honored to provide leadership for our team and serve alongside them, as we engage in meaningful and impactful work. 

The vision of the Office of Assessment Culture and Education is to serve as a strategic partner with campus and broader community members through effective communication, education, and evaluation. The mission of the Office of Assessment Culture and Education is to equip our campus and broader community with relevant resources and evidence-based practices to foster welcoming environments. As a unit, we often provide thought leadership and serve as chief strategists for our partners who are committed to engaging in access and engagement work. Our ultimate goal is to aid in the creation of a seamless alignment between our professional efforts, institutional culture and the Chancellor’s strategic vision. Essentially, we envision a campus where every student, staff, faculty, alum, or guest can sing, with pride, the lyrics of Rocky Top being “Home Sweet Home” and mean it! Our division and our unit are proud to support our university, as we consciously strive to fulfill our core mission as the flagship land grant institution in the state of Tennessee. It takes a VOLUNTEER!

Go Vols!

Lamar Bryant, Ph.D.