Community engagement should extend beyond projects, partnerships and research.
A fundamental part of the engagement process is sharing research findings with those in your discipline and with community members. Engaging community partners in a two-way dialogue during the dissemination process ensures a collaborative partnership.
Relevant outlets may include: presentations, exhibits, websites, newsletters, reports, promotional pieces, policy and findings briefs, one pagers, trade press, and other media.
Active Learning in Higher Education
American Association for Adult and Continuing Education
Association for Continuing Education
Coalition of Urban and Metropolitan Universities
Dialogues in Social Justice: An Adult Education Journal
Engagement Scholarship Consortium
Equity & Excellence in Education
International Association for Research on Service-Learning & Community Engagement
International Journal for Service Learning in Engineering
International Journal for Scholarship of Teaching and Learning
International Journal of Teaching and Learning in Higher Education
International Journal of Research on Service-Learning and Community Engagement
Journal on Excellence in College Teaching
Journal of College and Character
Journal of Community Engagement and Higher Education
Journal of Children and Poverty
Journal of Community Engagement and Scholarship
Journal of Higher Education Outreach and Engagement
Journal of Public Scholarship in Higher Education
Metropolitan Universities Journal
Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly
Partnerships: A Journal of Service Learning and Civic Engagement