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Partnerships that Make a Difference

Partnerships that Make a Difference Booklets

Our successful 2015 Community Engagement Classification Application documented an alignment of our campus mission, resources, and practices that support community engagement.

As part of our data collection process while preparing our application, we compiled a series of exemplary community partnerships that best represent authentic, two-way relationships based on mutuality and reciprocity. To do this, we called upon colleges and divisions across UT, Knoxville and the UT Institute of Agriculture campuses to send us their nominations.

The result is our Top 50 Partnerships that Make a Difference. We used data about these exemplars throughout our application.

UT, Knoxville and the UT Institute of Agriculture sent us their best. We will be celebrating these individual exemplars throughout 2015 with new articles each week that highlight each partnership’s unique contribution to our community. The community benefits from student work has an estimated value of more than $130,000 per year.

View more examples of Partnerships that Make a Difference